45) Senior Year Concerns and Expectations

As my junior year comes to a close, it's pretty easy to get nervous about the future. Going into senior year I know what I'm going to be doing and I could honestly drop out right now and still be successful. However it's important to me to finish my career at SMU on a very strong out. One of my biggest concerns is how classes transitioning back to all in person is going to play out and how professors will deal with some of the issues that have arose during Covid such as cheating and virtual exams.

It will also be my first time living at college but not on campus. Honestly the biggest thing I'm concerned about is the access to food and having to drive to campus every day. I am however very excited about living off campus with Alex and my roommate and the opportunity that I will have off-campus to grow and turn to "adult”.

My schedule is set and as long as I pass everything. I’m hoping for the return of all in person events, fully in person classes, Hopefully less masks, and being able to work at my job at football again.

Jack Mayo