28) My Covid Vaccine Experience

Like many,, I was very hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine because it was developed so quickly and could have had problems. However, I eventually came to the realization that we could trust the medical professionals that created the vaccine and that by me taking the vaccine, it would be a little step forward towards going back to normal. When I scheduled my vaccine through SMU. It was very easy and I showed up to the health center where they had a tent for everyone to get vaccinated. After my first shot I almost passed out, But aside from a little bit of arm pain I never suffered any major side effects. As far as my second shot, I had a small headache and some shells the first night, But never experience anything terrible like I have heard some other people have. Now, I have a fancy little card that lets everyone know that I am vaccinated and with the CDC new guidance upon wearing masks and social distancing I believe that being vaccinated will be a small step towards large live events were turning as well as school getting back to normal.

Jack Mayo