33) I Invented The Quasar In The Shot Look

I’ll go out on a limb and say it… I invented the “Quasar look”. Let me tell you the story. My junior year of high school I went in to take my SAT in order to know where I would land in college. Unfortunately also that day I had a shoot for my high school football team and I decided to bring some new tube lights to try out on the shoot. One other small problem was the fact that the SAT was supposed to end at 1o'clock and my shoot was supposed to start at 1o'clock. Therefore, I had to leave my SAT early. Luckily, the video that we shot that day went viral online and the coaches that smu saw it and offered me a spot at SMU. This proves my point that my work was more important thAn a silly SAT test.

The coolest part of the video was the two blades I had put behind the football players in order to make it look like a sci-fi abstract environment in the locker room. I did this on accident because I was trying to build a ring light around them but then have them stand in front of it and it turned out to look really cool so we rolled with it. After that, every music video I saw and every sports shoot ended up having the tube lights in the shot very similar to what I did, and I had to never seen that before.

I visually grew tired of the look after I decided to use 420 of them in one video, Another staple in my career and made possible because of Quasar lights.

Jack Mayo