41) Advertising Yourself
Being an advertising major it's really easy to think about how everyone advertisers for their company. Everywhere you look you notice advertising, in the streets, on a bus, on billboards, on TV, and on social media. What isn't often discussed is how appetizers can advertise themselves without seeming like they are trying to brag or be flashy with their client work. There is a very fine line between what is professionally acceptable and what is showing off. For me, Instagram is my biggest form of advertisement yet I just put no dollars towards it I simply have a solid presence and post behind the scenes content on my stories as well as final frames from work on my feet. I never post final products to my feed because I feel like that is the property of my clients but I will usually direct a re-post to the clients page should they decide to post. I think it is also important to have consistency and branding similar to any other company even as a creative. My business cards, website, And all other material that I publish has a consistent look in order to establish my brand.