31) I Might Graduate On Time!

It seems like these days colleges are rigged to make you have to stay longer than you have to an hour to get more money. It certainly felt like this was the case for the first three years of my college experience because I saw no light at the end of the tunnel and was unsure if I would ever be able to graduate on time. Additionally, filling Italian class freshman year was not a smart move and I really should've tried harder because now I have to take more hours my senior year. Advisers have not been the most helpful in my career on the University curriculums side of things especially since I did not have any credits coming into college. Thanks to my beautiful, smart, talented, extraordinary girlfriend I am able to potentially graduate on time if I pass all of the classes she has recommended I take senior year. She spent days looking into the curriculum in the course catalog figuring out what would be the best classes for me to take to meet all of my requirements. Thanks Maddy!

Jack Mayo